Southwest Airlines - October 13th

I recently got a new client...Southwest Airlines. We went out to the client to work this week. This is a pic of the Southwest headquarters lobby all decorated for Halloween. They have a very interesting culture. You can wear whatever (literally, whatever) you want. My client was wearing jorts and a white pocket tee with running shoes! They have sand volleyball and basketball courts in the parking lot and there were people playing at lunch. They have a bar on the roof and as we were leaving it sounded like a party up there for happy hour! Hmmm, maybe I should see if they need a new tax manager :)


CrazyUncle said...

I think we can wear whatever we want, too. Well, as long as it is business casual. And not jeans. And no slogan t-shirts. And would not offend anyone. And is clean. But otherwise, sure, anything.